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  Title Copies
Resettlement challenges and dilemmas: An in-depth case study of Bhutanese refugee women in Australia 
Volume: doi: 10.1111/taja.12334 
Year: 2019 
:An Agenda for Change 
'Health is Gold' Evaluation Report 1997 
'Days, Weeks, Years- Carers Across the Spectrum.' 
Discrimination: a health hazard for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds resettled in Australia 
Volume: doi.10.1186/s12889-019-8068-3 
Year: 2020 
Call No: RACISM OD 2020 
'Chasing Money' and 'Damaged Health': Korean Men in Australia, Part 1, 'Amnesty Migrants' 
Cultural Humility: A Proposed Model for a Continuing Professional Development Program 
Volume: doi:10.3390/pharmacy8040214 
Year: 2020 
ISSN: 2226-4787 
Series: Pharmacy 
Understanding Oral Health Beliefs and Practices Among Cantonese-speaking Older Australians 
Paradigm Shifters, Professionals and Community Sentinels: Immigrant Community Institutions' Roles in Shaping Places and Implications for Stigmatized Public Health Initiatives 
Supporting Women from CALD Backgrounds who Are Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence: Challenges and Opportunities for Practitioners 
Year: 2011 
Call No: OD 689