Results for "O"

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  Title Copies
Oral Health through the Life Experiences of Older Greek and Italian Adults 
Oral Health-related Cultural Beliefs for Four Racial/Ethnic Groups: Assessment of the Literature 
Oral Vaccines Against Cholera: Lessons From Vietnam and Elsewhere 
Organ Donation and Transplantation: Ethnic Differences in Knowledge and Opinions among Urban High School Students 
Organ Donation, Ethnicity and the Negotiation of Death: Ethnographic Insights from the UK 
Organ Transplantation, Medical Ethics, and Jewish Law 
Organised Crime and People Smuggling/Trafficking to Australia 
Organised Psychiatry as a Means for Improving Mental Health Services 
Organizational Change Towards Multiculturalism 
Organizational Cultural Competence: Self-Assessment Tools for Community Health and Social Service Organizations 
Year: 2005 
Call No: OD 579