Results for "C"

Page 18 of 112

  Title Copies
Child Health and The International Monetary Fund: The Nicaraguan Experience 
Child Protection and Female Genital Mutilation: Advice for Health, Education, and Social Work Professionals 
Child Protection Policy in New South Wales: A Critical Analysis 
Child Rearing & Background Information, Food Patterns 
Child Rearing and Cultural Beliefs and Practices Amongst Thai Mothers in Victoria, Australia: Implications for the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 
Child Rearing Patterns: Background Information (2nd. edn.) 
Childbearing Practices of Chinese Women 
Childbirth and Authoritative Knowledge: Cross-Cultural Perspectives 
Childbirth and Health: Cultural Beliefs and Practices among Cambodian Women 
Childbirth and Soul Loss: The Case of a Hmong Woman