Results for "I"

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  Title Copies
Intended Use of Informal Long-Term Care: The Role of Race and Ethnicity 
Immigration Detention Guidelines 
Immigration Research and Statistics: Keeping it in the Family, The Health and Social Experiences of Carers in Australian-Greek Families: Executive Summary 
Immigration Research and Statistics: Language Maintenance in Multicultural Australia - Arabic, Chinese, Spanish 
Inter-African Committee Newsletter 
Impact of Interpreter Services on Delivery of Health Care to Limited-English-Proficient Patients 
Intercultural Dialogue: Supporting and Resourcing Refugee Parents and Their Families. Guide for Practitioners 
Impact of the Cultural Birthing & Postnatal Practices of African Women on the Incidence of Post Natal Depression 
Implementing cross-cultural practice in health care 
Year: 2002 
Series: Thesis 
Call No: OD 244 
International and Intercultural Public Relations: A Campaign Case Approach 
Year: 2006 
Call No: 13021