Results for "L"

Page 5 of 22

  Title Copies
Law Enforcement and Harm Minimisation 
Lay Health and Self-Care Beliefs and Practices: Responses of the Elderly to Illness in Four Cultural Settings in Canada and the United States 
Leadership and Cultural Competence of Healthcare Professionals, A Social Network Analysis 
Leadership in Healthcare Excellence 
La Familia Frente al Miedo: Aspectos Psicodinamicos y Psicoterapeuticos 
Learned Helplessness: A Concept of the Future 
Labour Market Outcomes Among the Chinese at the 1986 Census 
Labour Relations: Midwives and Doctors on the Labour Ward 
Learning Difficulties and the Guardians of the Gene 
Lack of Association between HLA-DQ and -DR Genotypes and Asthma in Southern Chinese Patients