
Series: AGPS, Canberra, 1994 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
First Encounter: Communicating With Institutions and Organisations 
Call No: 2121 
Exile or Refuge? The Settlement of Refugee, Humanitarian, and Displaced Immigrants 
Call No: 2680 
Consulting the Multicultural Way: Guidelines for APS Managers Consulting and Negotiating with Non-English Speaking Background Groups 
Call No: 2927 
Community Relations Strategy: An Evaluation 
Call No: 6685 
Community Profiles: 1991 Census: Vietnam Born 
Call No: 4180 
Community Profiles: 1991 Census: Phillippines Born 
Call No: 4178 
Community Profiles: 1991 Census: Lebanon Born 
Call No: 3175 
Community Profiles. 1991 Census. Germany Born 
Call No: 3173 
Community Profiles 1991 Census. Malaysia Born 
Call No: 3178 
Best Practice in Managing a Culturally Diverse Workplace: A Managers Manual 
Call No: 2114