
Tag: Palliative care [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Dying, Death and Grieving: A Cultural Perspective Conference: Conference Report 
Year: 2002 
Call No: OD 135 
End of Life and Ethnicity 
End of Life Care: The Importance of Culture and Ethnicity 
End-of-Life Care Among Immigrants: Disparaties or Differences in Preferences? 
End-of-Life Care for Ethnic Minority Groups 
End-of-Life Care for People with Dementia from Ethnic Minority Groups: A Systematic Review 
End-of-Life Decision Making Across Cultures 
End-of-life Experiences and Expectations of Africans in Australia: Cultural Implications for Palliative and Hospice Care 
End-of-Life: Jewish Perspectives 
Ethnicity and Nursing Practice