
Tag: Aged Care [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Improving Socially Constructed Cross-Cultural Communication in Aged Care Homes: A Critical Perspective 
Cultural Priorities and Elder Care: The Impact on Women 
Caring for Ethnic Older People Living with Dementia - Experiences of Nursing Staff 
Between Humans and Ghosts: The Decrepit Elderly in a Polynesian Society 
A Pilot of an Intervention Delivered to Chinese- and Spanish-Speaking Carers of People With Dementia in Australia 
The Linkages Model: Project Consultants Report for the National Workshop into Best Practice in the Care of the Ethnic Aged, 11 December 1995 
Russia: The Soviet Health Care System for the Aged 
Liminality in an American Nursing Home: The Endless Transition 
From House to Home: Survey of Polish Background Residents in Aged Care Facilities in Victoria 
Cultural Identity and Belonging in Later Life: Is Extra Care Housing an Attractive Concept to Older Jewish People Living in Britain?