
Category: Chinese [ All ]

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Negotiating "Doing the Month": An Ethnographic Study Examining the Postnatal Practices of Two Generations of Chinese Women 
Assessing Food and Health Relationships: A Case Study of Blood Pressure Determination in Adult Melbourne Chinese 
Depression in Older Chinese Migrants to Auckland 
The Role of Tai Chi, Cultural Dancing, Playing a Musical Instrument and Singing in the Prevention of Chronic Disease in Chinese Older Adults: A Mind-Body Meditative Approach 
When Conventional Diabetes Care Is Viewed as Complementary: Perspectives of a Chinese Client 
Depression is not an Illness. It's up to you to make yourself happy: Perceptions of Chinese Health Professionals and Community Workers about Older Chinese Immigrants' Experiences of Depression and Anxiety 
Maternal Bodies, Breast-Feeding, and Consumer Desire in Urban China 
Doing-In-Month Ritual Among Chinese and Chinese-American 
Shadow on My Heart: A Culturally Grounded Concept of HIV Stigma Among Chinese Injection Drug Users 
Levels and rates of depression among Chinese people living in Chinese ethno-specific and mainstream residential care in Sydney