
Category: Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault [ All ]

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  Title Copies
‘In the Islands people don’t really talk about this stuff, so you go through life on your own’: An Arts-Based Study Exploring Intimate Relationships With Young People in Samoa 
Women From Different Ethnic Groups and Their Experiences With Victimization and Seeking Help 
"In the Islands people don't really talk about this stuff, so you go through life on your own": An Arts-Based Study Exploring Intimate Relationships With Young People in Samoa 
Participatory Action Research in Practice: A Case Study in Addressing Domestic Violence in Nine Cultural Communities 
Women's Expectations of Healthcare Providers in the Context of Reproductive Abuse in Australia 
An Insight Into the Family Homelessness Experience of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Women and Children with No Permanent Residency Living in Refuge as a Result of Family Violence 
Culture and Interpersonal Violence Research: Paradigm Shift to Create a Full Continuum of Domestic Violence Services 
Cultural Beliefs and Service Utilization by Battered Arab Immigrant Women 
Connecting Two Worlds: Training Social Workers to Deal with Domestic Violence Against Women in the Ethiopian Community 
Child Abuse Recognition, Reporting and Prevention: A Culturally Congruent Approach