
Tag: Koreans [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Using Photovoice to Understand Cardiovascular Health Awareness in Asian Elders 
Telephone Interpreting - Seen from the Interpreters' Perspective 
Ethnicity, Health and Medical Care: Towards a Critical Realist Analysis of General Practice in the Korean Community in Sydney 
Mortality in North Korean Migrant Households: A Retrospective Study 
Grief In Our Multicultural Society 
Birth Traditions and Modern Pregnancy Care 
Call No: 3687 
Unlocking Australia's Language Potential: Profiles of Languages in Australia: Korean 
Korea's Religious Identity 
Symptoms Experienced During Menopausal Transition: Korean Women in South Korea and the United States 
Domestic Violence at the Margins: Readings on Race, Class, Gender, and Culture 
Year: 2005 
Call No: 12305