
Tag: Lifestyle [ All ]

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  Title Copies
The Australian Diabetes, Obesity & Lifestyle Study (AusDiab) 
Year: 2001 
Call No: 11583 
Mastering the Control Factor (Transcript) 
Stroke, Lung Cancer, and Diabetes Health Beliefs and Lifestyle Practices of Vietnamese Elders: Implications for Geriatric Rehabilitation 
Living the Rainbow: Interweaving Cultural and Sexual Diversity 
Aspects of isolation 
Diabesity & Associated Australia 2000: The Accelerating Epidemic 
Year: 2001 
Call No: 11583 
Translating Research on Healthy Lifestyles for Children: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Populations 
Cross-Cultural Differences in Health and Mobility in the "Old" Old in Australia 
An Evaluation of Greek Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs 1,2,3. 
Culture and Health Care: Lifestyle, Settlement Experience and Reactions to Modern Health Care of Immigrants in Western Australia