
Tag: Health [ All ]

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Racism and Its Impact on Health in the Context of Australia 
Call No: 13906 
Lessions Learned from 'The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down': Student Perspectives on How Culutral Differences Can Lead to Health Disparaties 
Compulsory Community Treatment and Ethnicity: Findings from a Culturally and Lingustically Diverse Area of Queensland 
Explaining Health Inequality: Evidence from the UK 
Race, Racism and Health: Disparities, Mechanisms, and Interventions 
Language Barriers and Immigrant Health 
Comprehensive Health Assessment for Newly Arrived Refugee Children in Australia 
Health Disparities and Culture - Moving Beyond the Beginning 
Principles for Research on Ethnicity and Health: The Leeds Consensus Statement 
Religion in the Health of Migrant Communities: Asset of Deficit?