
Tag: Drug usage [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Comparing the Behaviors and Social Environments of Offending and Non-Offending African-American Adolescents 
Social Determinants of Health: The Solid Facts 
Preventing Substance Abuse from Undermining Permanency Planning: Competencies at the Intersection of Culture, Chemical Dependency, and Child Welfare 
A Call Upon the Vietnamese Community to Help Stop the Spread in Illicit Drug Use Among Our Youth 
'Self-serve' Fixed Needle and Syringe Exchange Models: Are they Addressing Client Needs? 
Population Health: Alcohol and Other Drug Use and People from a Non-English Speaking Background: Policy and Discussion Paper 
Drug-Using Women and HIV: Risk-Reduction and Prevention Issues 
Childhood Sexual Abuse and AIDS: Issues and Interventions 
Drugs in a Multicultural Community: An Assessment of Involvement: Executive Summary 
Year: 2000 
Call No: 10041