
Tag: Africans [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Effects of Time, Sex, Ethnic Origin, and Area of Residence on Prevalence of Asthma in Israeli Adolescents 
Companionship in the Perinatal Period: A Cross-Cultural Survey of Women's Experiences 
Anarchy, Abjection, and Absurdity: A Case of Metaphoric Medicine among the Tabwa of Zaire 
"It's for us - newcomers, LGBTQ persons, and HIV-positive persons. You feel free to be": a qualitive study exploring social support group participation among African and Caribbean lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender newcomers and refugees in Toronto, 
The Unrelenting Sky 
Nursing the Afar 
Pre-Conference Consultations in Public Health: Report on Sexual Health and STD Service Delivery 
Sub-Saharan African Migrant Youths'Help-seeking Barriers and Facilitators for Mental Health and Substance Use Problems: a Qualitative Study 
Kenya: Promised Land? 
Senegal: A State of Change