
Category: Chinese [ All ]

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  Title Copies
The Mental Health of Chinese Immigrants in Birmingham, UK 
Veiled Entrapment: A Study of Social Isolation of Older Chinese Migrants in Brisbane, Queensland 
Similarities and Differences in Acculturation Among Mothers, Fathers, and Children in Immigrant Chinese Families 
Similarities and Differences in Mothers' Parenting of Preschoolers in China and the United States 
Participation in Cardiovascular Risk Factor and Cancer Screening Among Australian Chinese 
Development of a Chinese Childbearing Attitude Questionnaire for Infertile Women Receiving in Vitro Fertilization Treatment 
Living in Two Cultures: Chinese Canadians' Perspectives on Health 
Non-Prescribed Antibiotic Use and General Practitioner Service Utilisation Among Chinese Migrants in Australia 
Changes in the Sociocultural Reality of Chinese Immigrants: Challenges and Opportunities in Help-Seeking Behaviour 
Translation of the Diabetes Prevention Program to Ethnic Communities in the United States