
Tag: Africans [ All ]

Page 8 of 36

  Title Copies
Why I Can't, Won't or Don't Test for HIV: Insights from Australian Migrants Born in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia 
Ethnic Differences in Respiratory Diseases 
Culture, Kinship and Genes: Towards Cross-Cultural Genetics 
Breast Cancer Screening of African Migrant Women in Australia: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study 
The Importance of the Educated Healthy Woman in Africa 
Social Inclusive Bicycle Riding in Multicultural Australia 
Year: 2011 
Preserving the Pot and Water: A Traditional Concept of Reproductive Health in a Yoruba Community, Nigeria 
Mutumwa Nchimi Healers and Wizardry Beliefs in Zambia 
End of Life Customs Among Immigrants From Eritrea 
2009 African Australians: A Report on Human Rights and Social Inclusion Issues: Discussion Paper 
Year: 2009 
Call No: OD 525