
Tag: Questionnaires [ All ]

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Slow and Steady: Interchange Victoria Respite Care Association Inc: Findings and recommendations emerging from the HACC funded Culturally and Linguistically Diverse project 
Year: 2003 
Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness in Young Students of Southern China: Relation to Respiratory Symptoms, Diagnosed Asthma, and Risk Factors 
Designing and Conducting Health Surveys (2nd edn) 
Planning Healthy Communities: A Guide to Doing Community Needs Assessment 
Intake and Sources, in Selected Australian Subpopulations, of Dietary Constituents Implicated in the Etiology of Chronic Diseases 
A Comparison of Methods for Measuring Patient Satisfaction with Consultations in Primary Care 
The Interpreted Interview: An Exploration of the Practice Situation 
Constructing Questions for Interviews and Questionnaires: Theory and Practice in Social Research 
Ethnic Residents in Nursing Homes: A Staff Perspective 
Bereavement and Health in Australia: Gender, Psychological, Religious and Cross-Cultural Issues