
Series: Chapter in: Eating Disorders and Cultures in Transition, eds. M. Nasser, M.A. Katzman, R.A. Gordon, Brunner-Routledge, East Sussex. [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Eating Disorders: Integrating Nature and Nurture Through the Study of Twins 
Eating Disorders East and West; A Culture-Bound Syndrome Unbound 
Eating Disorders and the Politics of Identity: The South African Experience 
Changing Bodies, Changing Cultures: An Intercultural Dialogue on the Body as the Final Frontier 
Argentina: The Social Body at Risk 
Post-Communism and the Marketing of the Thin Ideal 
One Country, Two Cultures 
Fat Phobia in Anorexia Nervosa: Whose Obsession is it? 
Emerging Markets: Submerging Women