
Category: Carers [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Immigration Research and Statistics: Keeping it in the Family, The Health and Social Experiences of Carers in Australian-Greek Families: Executive Summary 
In Their Own Right: Assessing the Needs of Carers in Diverse Communities 
Individualism, Collectivism and Ethnic Identity: Cultural Assumptions in Accounting for Caregiving Behaviour in Britain 
Intended Use of Informal Long-Term Care: The Role of Race and Ethnicity 
Issues Faced by Carers of People with a Mental Health Illness from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds: Carers' and Practitioners' Perceptions 
Issues of Women Carers in Australian-Greek Families 
Keeping it in The Family: The Health and Social Experiences of Carers in Australian Greek Families 
Korean American Family Experiences of Caregiving for Their Mentally Ill Adult Children: An Interpretive Inquiry 
Majority and Minority Ethnic Family Carers of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: Perceptions of Challenging Bahaviour and Family Impact 
Mental Health & Wellbeing of Carers from CALD Backgrounds