
Tag: Medicine [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Inert Medication Ingredients Causing Nonadherence Due to Religious Beliefs 
Introduction to Research in the Health Sciences (3rd ed) 
Is Research into Ethnicity and Health Racist, Unsound, or Important Science? 
Issues in Quality Use of Medicines in two Non-English Speaking Background Communities 
Lessions Learned from 'The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down': Student Perspectives on How Culutral Differences Can Lead to Health Disparaties 
Medical Dictionary in Six Languages 
Medications Derived from Animals and Culturally Diverse Patients 
Call No: OD 347 
Medicine and The Internet: Introducing Resources and Terminology 
Medicine as Culture: Illness, Disease and the Body in Western Societies 
Medicine in a multi-cultural society: The effect of cultural background on beliefs about medications