New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
"Power to the People": The Original Aims of the Community Health Program 
"Race" and Culture: Tools, Techniques, and Training: A Manual for Professionals 
Year: 2010 
Call No: 13181 
"Racial" and Ethnic Classification: Two Steps Forward and One Step Back? (includes related information on Interagency Committee's recommended changes to Office of Management and Budget standards on race & ethnicity data) 
"Right of Ways": Working Towards Improving Access and Equity for Indigenous 
"Selecting for Success": Access, Selection and Support for NESB Students in Teacher Education 
"Shattering Culture": Perspectives on Cultural Competence and Evidence-based Practice in Mental Health 
"Somebody Should do Something" Aboriginal Health in the 1980s 
"Speaking Out" A Report on Disability in the Vietnamese Community 
"Taking Steps to the Rhythms of the Heart": Heart Health for Greek Speaking Women in the Western Meropolitan Region of Melbourne 
"Talk Does Not Cook Rice": Beyond Anti-racism Rhetoric to Strategies for Social Action