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Name Item(s) Action
Chapter from 'Europe Without Frontiers: The Implications for Health', eds C. Normand & J.P.Vaughan, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York, 1993  Browse Items 
Cambridge University Press; Cambridge, UK, 2001.  Browse Items 
National Health & Medical Research Council, Canberra, 1996  Browse Items 
Oxford University Press, London, 1995  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'Europe Without Frontiers: The Implications for Health', eds Charles E.M. Normand & J. Patrick Vaughan, John Wiley & Sons, Chirchester, New York, 1993  Browse Items 
The link to this resource is no longer available. Please contact CEH library for a copy.  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'The Other Sydney: Communities, Identities & Inequalities in Western Sydney', J. Collins, & S. Poynting, (eds), Common Ground Publishing, Altona, 2001  Browse Items 
Chapter from Fran Baum, Denise Fry, Ian Lennie, (ed.s), 'Community Health: Policy and Practice in Australia', Pluto Press, 1992  Browse Items 
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex, England, 1997  Browse Items 
Ethnic Youth Issues Network, Melbourne, 1999  Browse Items 
Centre for Migrant and Intercultural Studies, Monash University, Clayton, 1988|Individual Papers Recorded as Recno. 1456-Recno. 1462  Browse Items 
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998  Browse Items 
Health Expectations, Feburary 2018, 12 p.  Browse Items 
Paper presented at Marketing to a Multicultural Community, 6 December 1994, Melbourne  Browse Items 
BMC Public Health  Browse Items 
Best Practice in the Health Sector Conference, 18-19 May, 1994, World Congress Centre, Melbourne|Excellent Bibliography including Case Studies, Videos  Browse Items 
Common Ground Publishing, Melbourne, 2001  Browse Items 
The Lancet, vol. 352, Supplement 2, October 1998.  Browse Items 
The link to this resource is no longer avaiilable. Please access the resource via the CEH library.  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Ethnic Minority Youth in Australia", edited by Carmel Guerra & Rob White, National Clearing House for Youth Studies, Hobart, Tasmania, 1995 (whole book no.9806)  Browse Items