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Name Item(s) Action
Chapter from 'Multi-culturalism and Ethnicity in Global Context' ed S. Sharma, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, India, 1996  12  Browse Items 
Chapter contained in "Refugee Communities and Health Services" edited by I. H. Minas & C. L. Hayes, VTPU, Melbourne, 1994  11  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Health Issues for Women of Color: A Cultural Diversity Perspective" edited by D. L. Adams, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, 1995  11  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives" edited by P. Stuart-Macadam & K. A. Dettwyler, A. De Gruyter, New York, 1995 (no. 4168)|Excellent bibliography  11  Browse Items 
Chapter from "Sex, Disease and Society: A Comparative History of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS in Asia and the Pacific" edited by M. Lewis, S. Bamber & M. Waugh, Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, 1997 (no. 4724)  11  Browse Items 
No longer available online  10  Browse Items 
Bibliography|Chapter found in "Culture and Sexual Risk: Anthropological Perspectives on AIDS" edited by Han ten Brummelhuis & Gilbert Herdt, Gordon and Breach Publishers, Amsterdam, 1995  10  Browse Items 
Ros Thorpe and Jude Petruchenia, 'Community Work or Social Change - An Australian Perspective', Hale & Ironmonger, Sydney, 1992|See Recno. 815  10  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Ethnic Minority Youth in Australia", edited by Carmel Guerra & Rob White, National Clearing House for Youth Studies, Hobart, Tasmania, 1995 (whole book no. 9806)  10  Browse Items 
From "Understanding Vietnamese Refugees in Australia" by Xuan Thu Nguyen and Desmond Cahill (1986)  10  Browse Items 
Bibliography|Chapter found in "Childbirth and Authoritative Knowledge: Cross-Cultural Perspectives" Edited by Robbie E. Davis-Floyd and Carolyn F. Sargent (4880)  10  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "From the Margins of Hindu Marriage: Essays on Gender, Religion, and Culture" edited by L. Harlan and P. Courtright, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995 (no. 5769)  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'Culture and Society in the Asia-Pacific', eds R. Maidment & C. Mackerras, Routledge, London, 1998"  Browse Items 
Ecumenical Migration Centre, Melbourne, 1999  Browse Items 
AGPS, Canberra, 1996  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'The Health of Immigrant Australia: A Social Perspective', edited by J. Reid & P. Trompf, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Marrickville, NSW, 1990  Browse Items 
Conference Paper from 'Exploring Women's Health: Where do Nurses Stand', Proceedings of the 6th Nursing Research Forum, La Trobe University, Department of Nursing, nd.  Browse Items 
Chapter in: Eating Disorders and Cultures in Transition, eds. M. Nasser, M.A. Katzman, R.A. Gordon, Brunner-Routledge, East Sussex.  Browse Items 
Centre for Culture Ethnicity & Health, Melbourne, 1997  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Families & Cultural Diversity in Australia" edited by Robyn Hartley, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1995 (no. 4149)  Browse Items