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Name Item(s) Action
Cambridge University Press;Cambridge, UK, 2001  Browse Items 
Document available in PDF format (as one file) but is 941 pages  Browse Items 
Health Department Victoria, Melbourne, 1991|Summary report in Spanish|Summary Report in Vietnamese  Browse Items 
Preventing Chronic Disease, vol. 1, no. 1, January 2004  Browse Items 
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995  Browse Items 
AE Press, Melbourne, 1985|Australian Ethnic Heritage Series  Browse Items 
Taken from "Access to Funding: Collected Papers of the VCCSD Seminar", Multicultural Australia Paper No. 28, CHOMI, February 1984, 23 p.  Browse Items 
Victoria Women's Council, Melbourne, 1995  Browse Items 
Based on Census (1986) and Settler Arrival data|Ethnic Affairs Section, DILGEA, July 1988|Internal Departmental Working Document only  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Perspectives on Transcultural Mental Health" edited by B. Ferguson and D. Barnes, Transcultural Mental Health Centre, 1997 (no. 6738)|Short bibliography  Browse Items 
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, Bombay, 1989  Browse Items 
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2000  Browse Items 
Department of Immigration & Multicultural Affairs, Canberra, 1997  Browse Items 
Women's Health Service for the West, Footscray, 1995  Browse Items 
Vietnamese Community in Australia, Adelaide, 1993  Browse Items 
Australian Bureau of Statistics; Canberra, 2002.  Browse Items 
Chapter taken from "Cross-Cultural Communication in Legal Settings" edited by A. Pauwels, Community Languages in the Professional Unit, Language and Society Centre, National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia, Monash University,  Browse Items 
Bibliography|Chapter contained in "Refugee Communities and Health Services" edited by I. H. Minas & C. L. Hayes, VTPU, Melbourne, 1994  Browse Items 
Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, 1997  Browse Items 
Health and Community Services, Melbourne, 1995|The title is in kit format with the translations for both publications included  Browse Items