
Author: Minas, I. H. [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Persistent Psychotic Symptoms at Discharge in Patients with Schizophrenia 
Planning an Integrated Mental Health Service for Non-English Speaking Communities in Melbourne 
Proposal for the Establishment of a National Centre for Transcultural Mental Health Research and Education 
Refugee Communities and Health Services 
Turkish Patients Presenting to the Royal Park Hospital Ethnic Psychiatry Service 
Use of Mental Health Services by Australian-born, ESB and NESB Communities: A Census 
Elderly NESB Immigrants: Mental Health Risks, Knowledge and Use of Service 
Ethnocultural Training Needs of Victorian Mental Health Staff 
Extending the Framework: A Proposal for a Statewide Bilingual Clinical Support and Development Program 
Immigrant Status and Gender Effects on Psychopathology and Self-Concept in Adolescents: A Test of the Migration-Morbidity Hypothesis