
Author: Minas, I. H. [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Elderly NESB Immigrants: Mental Health Risks, Knowledge and Use of Service 
Ethnocultural Training Needs of Victorian Mental Health Staff 
Extending the Framework: A Proposal for a Statewide Bilingual Clinical Support and Development Program 
Immigrant Status and Gender Effects on Psychopathology and Self-Concept in Adolescents: A Test of the Migration-Morbidity Hypothesis 
Immigrants and Mental Illness in Victoria 
Language, Culture and Psychiatric Services: A Survey of Victorian Clinical Staff 
Mental Health of Ethnic Communities: Proceedings of a Symposium 
Mental Health of Men of Non-English Speaking Background 
Mental Health Service Use by Ethnic Communities in Victoria 
Mental Health Service Use by Ethnic Communities in Victoria: Part I Descriptive Report, Part II Statistical Tables