
Tag: Cambodians [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Braving a New World: Cambodian (Khmer) Refugees in an American City 
Childbirth and Health: Cultural Beliefs and Practices among Cambodian Women 
Asian Mothers, Australian Birth: Pregnancy, Childbirth and Childrearing: The Asian Experience in an English-Speaking Country 
Call No: 2529 
A Profile of Victorian Seniors from Refugee Backgrounds: Health and Wellbeing Needs and Access to Aged Care Health and Support Services 
Year: 2005 
Call No: OD 295 
Toward a Culturally Sensitive DSM: Cultural Bereavement in Cambodian Refugees and the Traditional Healer as Taxonomist 
Working Together as Culture Brokers by Building Trusting Alliances with Bilingual and Bicultural Newcomer Paraprofessionals 
The Cambodian Women's Project 
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Cambodian Refugees in New Zealand 
Living in a New Country: Understanding Migrants' Health 
Intergenerational Cultural Dissonance, Parent-Child Conflict and Bonding, and Youth Problem Behaviors among Vietnamese and Cambodian Immigrant Families