
Author: Eisenbruch, Maurice [ All ]

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  Title Copies
A Qualitative Study of Barriers to Mental Health Services Utilisation Among Migrants from Mainland Chine in South-East Sydney 
A Study of the Cambodian Mind 
Classification of Natural and Supernatural Causes of Mental Distress: Development of a Mental Distress Explanatory Model Questionnaire 
Cultural Consultation for Cancer: Astrocytoma in a Cambodian Adolescent 
Development of an Explanatory Model of Illness Schedule for Cambodian Refugee Patients 
From Inside the Bubble: Migrants' Perceptions of Communication with the Cancer Team 
Call No: 12887 
From Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to Cultural Bereavement: Diagnosis of Southeast Asian Refugees 
Inferior Health-Related Quality of Life and Psychological Well-Being in Immigrant Cancer Survivors: A Population-Based Study 
Medical Education for a Multicultural Society 
Researching Culture and Health: Variables Used to Identify Culturally Diverse Groups in New South Wales