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Name Item(s) Action
Chapter found in "Cultural Diversity and Mental Health (Proceedings of the 14th Annual Symposium of the Section of Social and Cultural Psychiatry, Royal Australian & N.Z. College of Psychiatrists)" edited by I. H. Minas, Victorian Transcult  16  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'Ethnicity, Immigration, and Psychopathology', eds I. Al-Issa & M. Tousignant, Plenum Press, New York, 1997  15  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'Past Trauma in Late Life: European Perspectives on Therapeutic Work with Older People', eds L. Hunt, M. Marshall & C. Rowlings, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1997  15  Browse Items 
Chapter from "Language and Culture in Aboriginal Australia", eds. M. Walsh & C. Yallop, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra, 1993  15  Browse Items 
AGPS, Canberra, 1994  14  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Health, Welfare and Practice: Reflecting on Roles and Relationships", eds J. Walmsley, J. Reynolds, P. Shakespeare & R. Woolfe, Sage Publications, London, 1993 (no. 5771)  14  Browse Items 
Chapter from F. Baum, D. Fry and I. Lennie (eds.), 'Community Health: Policy and Practice in Australia', Pluto Press, Leichhardt, 1992|See Recno. 812  14  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'Innovation and Excellence in Community Health', edited by Paul Butler, Centre for Development and Innovation in Health, Northcote, 1994  13  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "The Price Of Freedom: Young Indochinese Refugees in Australia" edited by J. Krupinski & G. Burrows, Pergamon, Rushcutters Bay, NSW, 1986 (no. 4112)  13  Browse Items 
Chapter found in ‘Maternity and Reproductive Health in Asian Societies’ edited by P. L. Rice & L. Manderson, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 1996 (no. 4091)  12  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Child Welfare Policy: Critical Australian Perspectives", edited by J. Mason, Hale & Ironmonger, Sydney, 1993 (no. 1768)  12  Browse Items 
Bibliography|From "Cross Cultural Encounters: Communication and mis-Communication" Edited by John B. Pride (1985)  12  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Cultural and Ethnic Diversity: A Guide for Genetics Professionals" edited by N. L. Fisher, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1996 (no. 4521)  12  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'Ethnic Variations in Dying, Death and Grief', eds D. Irish, K. Lundquist & V. Nelsen, Taylor & Francis, Washington, 1993  12  Browse Items 
Chapter from "Turkish Community in Australia: Conference Proceedings", eds. R. Akcelik & J. Elley, Australian-Turkish Friendship Society Publications, Melbourne, 1988  12  Browse Items 
Chapter taken from 'Deeper Dimensions: Culture, Youth and Mental Health', eds. Marie Bashir & David Bennett, NSW Transcultural Mental Health Centre, Sydney, 2000. (see Record no. 10193)  12  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Developing Cross-Cultural Competence: A Guide for Working with Young Children and Their Families" edited by E. Lynch & M. Hanson, Paul H. Brookes Publishing, Baltimore, Maryland, 1992 (no. 5767)  12  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'Multi-culturalism and Ethnicity in Global Context' ed S. Sharma, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, India, 1996  12  Browse Items 
Paper found in "National Conference: Professional Cross-Cultural Staff Development Inside and Outside Universities" edited by C. Hendrick, National Centre for Cross-Cultural Curriculum and Staff Development, Flinders University of South Aus  12  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "No Place for Borders: The HIV/AIDS Epidemic and Development in Asia and the Pacific" edited by Linge, G. & Porter, D., Allen & Unwin in association with the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, St Leonards, NSW, 1997  12  Browse Items