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Name Item(s) Action
Chapter found in Health and Disease: A Reader (2nd edn), edited by Basiro Davey, Alastair Gray and Clive Seale, Open University Press, Buckingham, 1995 (record no. 6051)  62  Browse Items 
Paper found in "Recent Developments in Mental Health, Proceedings of a Collaborative Workshop Between Viet Nam , Australia, and New Zealand, Hanoi, 13-15 November 1996" ed. by I.H. Minas, The University of Melbourne Centre for Cultural Stud  59  Browse Items 
The link to this resource is no longer available. Please access the resource via the CEH library.  46  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Ethnic Factors in Health and Disease" edited by J. Crickshank and D. G. Beevers, Butterworth Heinemann, Jordan Hill, Oxford, 1989  42  Browse Items 
The link to this resource is no longer available. Please access the resource via the library.  28  Browse Items 
Conference Paper from "Cross-Cultural Communication and Professional Education" eds C. Hedrick & R. Holton, Centre for Multicultural Studies, Flinders University of South Australia, 1990  28  Browse Items 
Chapter found in 'The Cultural Context of Aging: Worldwide Perspectives (2nd edn), ed, J, Sokolovsky, Bergin & Garvey, Wesport, Connecticut, 1997  26  Browse Items 
Bibliography|Chapter from 'Europe Without Frontiers: The Implications for Health', eds Charles E.M. Normand & J. Patrick Vaughan, John Wiley & Sons, Chirchester, New York, 1993  26  Browse Items 
Taken from "Communication, Cultural Diversity and the Health Professional" (1984)  24  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'Sexual Mutilations: A Human Tragedy', eds G. Denniston & M. Milos, Plenum Press, New York, 1997  21  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'Cross Cultural Issues for Health Professionals in Australia', edited by R. Saunders, Multicultural Centre, University of Sydney, 1990  21  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Ethnoepidemiology of Cancer" edited by K. Tajima & S. Sonoda, Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo, 1996 (no. 4338)  20  Browse Items 
Recno. 2010|Taken from 'Access and Equity Evaluation Research', Edited by James Jupp and Andrea McRobbie, AGPS, Canberra  19  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'New Themes in Palliative Care', eds D.Clark, J. Hockley & S. Ahmedzai, Open University Press, Buckingham, U.K., 1997  18  Browse Items 
Chapter from ' Drug Use in Australia: A Harm Minimisation Approach', eds M. Hamilton, A. Kellehear & G. Rumbold, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1998  18  Browse Items 
At the end of the chapter there is a Summary of the chapter, a list of Discussion Questions and suggested Further Reading|Chapter found in "Second Opinion: An Introduction to Health Sociology", edited by J. Germov, Oxford University Press,  18  Browse Items 
Chapter from 'The Anthropology of Medicine: From Culture to Method', 3rd edn, edited by L. Romanucci-Ross, D. E. Moerman & L. R. Tancredi, Bergin & Garvey, Westport, Connecticut, 1997  18  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Culture Kinship and Genes: Towards Cross-Cultural Genetics" edited by A. Clarke & E. Parsons, MacMillan Press, Hampshire, England, 1997 (no. 4925)  17  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Vietnamese Studies in a Multicultural World" edited by Xuan Thu Nguyen, Vietnamese Language and Culture Publications, Pascoe Vale South, Melbourne, 1994 (no. 4705)  17  Browse Items 
Chapter found in "Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach" edited by L.D. Purnell & B.J.Paulanka, F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, 1998 (no. 6466)  17  Browse Items